Chapter 648: Weren't You Very Brave Just a Moment Ago? _1

Lin Chen looked up and saw a woman descending from the sky, her clothes fluttering, graceful as an immortal.

This woman seemed to be about twenty-seven or twenty-eight years old, at least 1.7 meters tall, with delicate features, a straight nose, bright and charming eyes, and a seductive and cold temperament. Yet, she also had a pair of thick eyebrows that one couldn't forget at first glance, which added a touch of heroism amidst her charm.

Pure seduction would make a woman seem like a calamity and give off a lowly feeling, but with the addition of this touch of heroism, her temperament seemed even more noble and immortal.

No need to say, this was naturally Qiao Wei, the Sect Leader of Flying Waterfall Peak.

Since Qiao Wei had spoken, Lin Chen naturally obeyed without question, as she was his lifesaver!

Without a word, Lin Chen's figure shot out and went straight for Liu Yuan.