Chapter 654: The Damsel in Distress _1

The Fire Blade was like an arc of light, catching up to the Snow Dragon Leopard in the blink of an eye and sweeping across its body.

The fast-moving Snow Dragon Leopard suddenly broke in half, turning into two pieces like a broken high-speed train, crashing heavily onto the ground. The inertia still carried its body forward, rolling far away.

The color of the Fire Blade faded considerably, but it continued to rush forward at high speed.

Due to the angle, the lower end of the Fire Blade touched the ground first, instantly vaporizing the snow and ice on the ground. The fire blade deeply split the ground, and black smoke began to emerge from the cracks.

The Fire Blade gradually submerged into the ground, and by the time it had completely disappeared, the entire valley had been cut open by a crack several hundred meters long. All the ice and snow around the crack disappeared, and even the frozen soil and rock were cut open, giving off billows of smoke.

Lin Chen was dumbfounded.