Chapter 661: You Want to Eat a Spirit Medicine? I Have It! _1

Lin Chen watched the figures chasing and fleeing, disappearing into the horizon, a cold smile on his face.

Liu Yuan had set a big trap for herself, but, unfortunately, she guessed the beginning but not the end.

Lin Chen returned to the cave entrance on his flying sword, and instead of picking the Sixth-grade Lotus Stand right away, he walked into the cave.

It was quite surprising that the Snow Dragon Leopard King could understand human speech.

The cave was vast. Lin Chen went in, and with an Illumination Technique, the entire cave was lit up like daytime. He saw a skeleton sitting cross-legged in a stone chamber carved into one wall.

There was actually a cultivator's skeleton in this cave!

Lin Chen was astonished. He walked over to the corpse and examined it carefully and found that it should be a man. He seemed to be quite old, the clothes on his body had rotted away, and it seemed like he had been dead for a long time.