Chapter 664: Absolutely Can't Laugh, Must Hold It In! _1

Upon hearing Lin Chen say this, Su Mubai let out a sigh of relief.

She didn't mind exposing the fact that Lin Chen had saved her. After all, she felt very grateful towards him. However, she didn't want this matter to cause trouble for him.

Lin Chen had saved her, but didn't claim any merit. Instead, he casually turned the truth around, making it sound like she had saved him instead.

This man had a very broad mind!

"Sister Su saved you?"

The caution in Murong Feng's eyes eased a bit, and he smiled, "Sister Su is always helping her fellow disciples; it is indeed her style."

Su Mubai's face stiffened slightly; why did Murong Feng's words sound somewhat sarcastic? After all, she was the one who had been saved!

Su Mubai looked at Lin Chen apologetically, worried.

Lin Chen indeed laughed quite freely, "Yes, Miss Su is truly warm-hearted, not only saving me but also kindly answering my questions regarding alchemy."