Chapter 675: Do You Still Think You're at a Loss Following Me? _1

Perhaps it was because Lin Chen had given the Spirit Medicine to the Tree Demon, who was unable to change her fate, that her attitude towards Lin Chen had improved a lot.

After all, her life was still in Lin Chen's hands. A little tantrum or complaint wouldn't hurt, but if she tried to act too rebellious, Lin Chen, who wasn't known for being soft-hearted, would not let her off.

"Where are you going?"

Mei Nu poked her head out of the bag and asked curiously when she saw the vast Icy Snow Land in front of her.

"To see a friend."

Lin Chen flew ahead and quickly arrived at the towering mountain peak.

Standing in mid-air, Lin Chen took out the Bone Flute, blew it forcefully, and the sound spread far across the surroundings.

After a few blows, a massive figure leaped from the forests and dashed towards Lin Chen with immense momentum.

Seeing it, Mei Nu was shocked: "Run away! You're no match for it!"