Chapter 688: Do You Have the Qualification to Demand an Explanation? _1

Liu Ruqing was dumbfounded!

He now believed Lin Chen's words to be true, as this matter could be easily verified to find the truth.

The Water and Fire Mirror that Lin Chen offered to the Cave Master, and which the Cave Master then returned to Lin Chen, is equivalent to the Cave Master acknowledging Lin Chen's ownership of the mirror. Liu Ruqing, however, wants to kill Lin Chen and snatch the Water and Fire Mirror!

Liu Ruqing's head buzzed, and he felt faint.

Usually, the Cave Master would stay in Closed Door Cultivation and not interfere in affairs, but this doesn't mean he doesn't have authority.

The Cave Master's authority is unmatched!

The Cave Master's strength is unmatched!

The Cave Master doesn't need any reason to kill.

In the Nanyue Hengshan Cave Sky, the Cave Master is the supreme ruler, ruling over everything, including the lives of everyone!