Chapter 696: You're Already Screaming in Pain? We've Barely Started _1


Qiao Wei flicked her hand, and a handful of melon seeds shot directly at Lin Chen.

Each of these melon seeds was like a flying sword, and their flight trajectories were very eerie: there were straight lines, diagonal lines, and even curved lines. They were like a group of flying swords, instantly surrounding Lin Chen from all directions.

San Sheng Sword came out, its Sword Light like snow.

"Ding ding ding!"

Intense collision sounds rang out, as the melon seeds hit the sword, producing metallic sounds.

There was a pile of melon seeds on the ground.

Lin Chen remained calm and collected, sheathing his sword in front of him.

Qiao Wei noticed that Lin Chen's strength seemed to have increased a lot and was surprised, asking, "You've grown stronger. It seems that your three months of Closed Door Cultivation have been effective."

Lin Chen said with a laugh, "I've advanced by one rank, I'm now in the Middle-Stage Golden Core."