Chapter 703: Beiyue? I've Killed Their People _1

Sun Liangren stood by the bedside, carefully inspecting it, his eyes filled with shock and confusion.

"The sword qi in her body has completely disappeared, her damaged five internal organs and six hollow organs have been repaired, and her wounds have stopped bleeding. How did you do it?"

Lin Chen smiled slightly: "Just some special techniques, but at most I can only do this much. The rest is up to her slow recovery."

Lin Chen deliberately emphasized this, fearing that Sun Liangren might have some wild guesses.

Seeing Lin Chen's explanation, Sun Liangren knew he wasn't going to reveal the specific techniques, which was normal. Who would tell others about their unique skills?

Sun Liangren didn't ask any more questions and exclaimed, "Amazing, truly amazing! With each generation, there comes a stronger one!"

Lin Chen replied humbly, "It's just some special techniques not worth mentioning to others, and I don't deserve such praise, Sun Physician."