Chapter 715: Are You Guys That Poor? _1

Lin Chen rushed back to the City Lord's Mansion and was immediately brought to Qiao Wei's side.

Everyone had witnessed Lin Chen's medical skills when he previously treated Gu Qianqian, coupled with him being Qiao Wei's Junior Brother, so naturally, everyone trusted him more.

Qiao Wei lay unconscious on the bed, her face pale, and her brows showing a hint of greenish color.

"How is it?"

Without any more words, Lin Chen sat down by the bed and started to examine her.

Gu Yuanjie swiftly replied, "She came back by herself, but as soon as she landed, she warned us to be careful while defending the city, retreat if we can't hold on, and then she fainted."

A sense of dread filled Lin Chen's heart. Did Qiao Wei's words mean that someone would come to attack and seize Bai Tao City?

Lin Chen composed himself, realizing that his priority was to save Qiao Wei first.

After a careful examination, Lin Chen furrowed his eyebrows: "Senior sister has been poisoned."
