Chapter 737: This Little Rascal! _1

After Lin Chen said this, he wanted to slap himself.

Wasn't this just revealing his own secrets?

"Ahem, I'll go out first."

Lin Chen stood up and immediately bent down a little further, running out of the room quickly with a hunched back.

Qiao Wei's face was flushed red, and she glanced at Lin Chen, looking at his slightly strange posture, her face turning even redder.

This little rascal!

He actually had a reaction...


Qiao Wei cursed Lin Chen in her heart, but her own heart became more and more chaotic.

Originally, it was already a bit awkward when their skin touched, but now that her entire body has been seen, she's completely ruined, not knowing how to face him in the future.

Lin Chen stood outside the courtyard, taking a few deep breaths, then straightened up, his face still burning hot.

This accident came too suddenly.