Chapter 745: You Don't Seem to Be Afraid, Do You? _1

Lin Chen followed Sun Wang as they descended from the sky, standing at the entrance of a huge mountain cave.

The cave was large and deep, with a faint radiance seeping out from within.

It was quiet inside the cave.

Sun Wang laughed, "The Black Market is inside, with a sound-proof formation, so no one can hear anything from outside."

Sun Wang took the lead and walked into the cave, with Lin Chen following him closely.

After walking for a while, the cave took a turn, and suddenly, a bright and spacious cavern appeared in front of them, illuminated by an oil lamp. Next to the lamp sat a middle-aged man with a sinister face, his gaze falling directly on Lin Chen.

Apart from him, there was no one else in the cave.

Lin Chen's pupils constricted slightly as he looked sidelong at Sun Wang, "Boss Sun, what's going on?"

Sun Wang just smiled without responding to Lin Chen, but instead spoke to the Yin Vulture man, "Mr. Wu, I've brought him."