Chapter 747: My Good Fortune Is Really Great_1

Countless vines spread wildly, but they all avoided Lin Chen, as submissive as a pet kept in Lin Chen's house.

Sun Wang looked at the scene in horror: "What is this?"

Lin Chen smiled: "This is a Tree Demon, oh, it should be called a Vine Monster now, my servant."


Sun Wang's eyes were filled with despair, the aura of this vine monster was extremely strong, and its strength was definitely above the Nascent Soul stage, yet such a powerful vine monster was actually Lin Chen's servant!

"Who are you!"

How could a normal Feipu Peak disciple have a Nascent Soul stage Snow Dragon Leopard King, and such a terrifying vine monster?

Lin Chen smiled: "You've given me a false name, but I haven't lied. I am indeed Feipu Peak disciple Lin Chen, and I haven't deceived anyone."