Chapter 754: Naughty Children Need to Be Disciplined _1

Bi Fang stared at Lin Chen for a while, his cold and guarded expression gradually relaxed, and his eyes became affectionate.

It walked towards Lin Chen and rubbed its head against him like a child.

Lin Chen breathed a sigh of relief and was about to speak when Bi Fang opened its mouth and sprayed a stream of fire on Lin Chen's pants.

Lin Chen jumped in fright, quickly retreating backward and extinguishing the flames on his leg with spiritual energy.

Good heavens!

If he were an ordinary person, he would have been crippled by now.

Lin Chen's somewhat panicked attempt to put out the fire brightened Bi Fang's eyes, which were full of excitement. It bounced around, spraying scorching flames from its mouth that splattered everywhere.

The flames were extremely hot, igniting everything they touched. Even when they landed on stones, black smoke rose from their surface.

Seeing this, Lin Chen finally understood how Bi Fang earned its reputation as an "arsonist."