Chapter 758: You've Never Heard of Blood Shadow?_1

"How did you know my identity?"

Qiu Shisan said with a resentful expression: "When we crossed paths, I did something to you, and then used a small magical artifact to sense your whereabouts."

Lin Chen stared at Qiu Shisan: "I'm just a Golden Core cultivator, and you're at the Nascent Soul Stage. Since you've found me, why not just take action and kill me? Wouldn't everything I have become yours then?"

Qiu Shisan said coldly: "Although I am an assassin, all the people I kill have a valid reason for death. We have no grudges, and you haven't done anything evil. I can't just kill someone for a Beast Taming Bag. I gave you the Soul Devouring Bow before because I knew you were strong, and as long as you could help me kill another Nascent Soul cultivator, there would be hope of escape today."