Chapter 764: Go Ahead and Complain, See Who Cares About You_1

Feng Lan was holding a basin of clothes, seemingly having just washed them by the creek.

In front of Feng Lan stood three young men and women, two females and one male. One of the women suddenly waved her hand and hit the wooden basin Feng Lan was holding.


The basin fell to the ground, and the clothes scattered all over.

The woman sneered, "Feng Lan, don't be shameless just because someone gave you face. With your Early Foundation Stage and average talent, what right do you have to occupy such a good location for a Cave Mansion? If you're sensible, hand it over immediately."

Feng Lan calmly replied, "The Cave Mansion belongs to my husband, and you have no right to take it."

The woman sneered, "Lin Yuan, huh? If he were still here, then of course there would be no problem. But he has been missing for ten years, in that dead-end place. Do you really think he could still be alive? If he were alive, he would have returned long ago."