Chapter 766: Pah, Is This All You've Got? What a Joke!_1

The man's body rolled and flew several meters before falling heavily to the ground. His face swelled up instantly, and his eyes were reduced to slits, looking extremely miserable.

The cold and gorgeous woman's face paled. She waved her hand, and a bronze bell appeared, hovering above her head. A greenish spiritual energy shield instantly enveloped her, with the spirit light flashing and runes circulating on it.

The cold and gorgeous woman prepared her defense before throwing out a bronze seal.

The bronze seal grew larger in the air as it came crashing down towards Lin Chen with an astonishing momentum.

Lin Chen did not even unsheathe his sword, but stretched out his hands to meet the bronze seal. At the same time, countless sword qi were already fired from every sword bone, instantly hitting the bronze seal.

The bronze seal's momentum was quickly wiped clean, and Lin Chen easily fended it off. He then held the bronze seal and charged towards the cold and gorgeous woman.