Chapter 776: Bragging with the Most Cowardly Words?_1

"Brother, you really shouldn't."

Lin Chen said with a laugh, "I don't even have 100,000 spirit stones on me right now. I'm just a pauper."

Fang Dao smiled, "Let's not talk nonsense. With your status, Lin, if you really need it, I can gather the money in no time and send it to you. As for the spirit stones, you can pay back whenever you want, no hurry."

Fang Dao's words were sincere and not hypocritical.

He wasn't trying to please Lin Chen personally; he was trying to please Lin Chen as a direct disciple of Nanyue Hengshan Cave Master.

As the Cave Master's direct disciple, if you owed tens of millions of spirit stones, you really couldn't afford to lose face.

Lin Chen declined, "There's really no hurry. It'll take me a while to even digest what I have on hand. Let's talk about it later."

Although paying afterward meant a clean transaction, it also meant a huge favor was owed.

Lin Chen did not want to owe anyone anything.