Chapter 784: Interesting, But You Still Have to Die_1

Lin Chen summoned his flying sword to catch himself as he fell from the sky, while looking at his attacker.

The attacker was a cold-faced middle-aged man in an old Taoist robe, wearing a high crown, and his cold eyes were locked on Lin Chen.

Lin Chen shouted, "I don't know you, have you killed the wrong person?"

No matter who the other party was, Lin Chen first threw out a sentence. As long as the other party answered him, he would have a chance to catch his breath.

The middle-aged Daoist coldly replied, "I am Lu Daoist. I kill people according to my mood. You don't know me, that's normal because I don't know you either."

Lin Chen was both surprised and angry: "Since you don't know me, and we have no grievances, why do you want to kill me?"

Lu Daoist coldly replied, "I'm short on money recently."

Lin Chen was shocked.

Damn, is he actually killing for wealth?

Am I that unlucky?

"We're not far from Kunlun. Aren't you afraid of provoking them?"