Chapter 790: Be Careful, Don't Get Your Head Blown Off_1

"This journey of yours was really filled with danger..."

Qiao Wei's face was shocked after listening to Lin Chen's story.

Because the Snow Dragon Leopard King was abducted and sold, yet they profit over 20 million Spirit Stones, obtained two Beast Taming Bags halfway, hatched a Bi Fang, were surrounded by Blood Shadow Assassins yet managed to pick up a Nascent Soul companion, and also learned the secret of Yin Yang Valley, unknowingly targeted by a Spirit Transformation Realm expert yet still managed to escape safely...

Lin Chen only spoke about being pursued by Lu Daoren, not mentioning his suspicion about Zhao Feiyu.

Lin Chen sighed: "Indeed, it's quite mysterious. However, fortunately, it was dangerous but not fatal. I also made more than 20 million Spirit Stones. I bought sixty pieces of Black Iron Crow Essence, which can completely refine my legs."