Chapter 795: A Dance of the Heavenly Demon, Captivating the Souls of Men_1

"A thousand spirit stones just for the entrance fee?"

Lin Chen looked at the numerous rooms ahead and calculated silently, exclaiming, "Doesn't that mean their daily income is millions, or even tens of millions of spirit stones?"

Fang Dao explained, "The thousand spirit stones include the cost of watching the dance in the hall, appetizers, and fine wine package. You can drink and watch the dance, but if you want more wine, food, or a private room with a woman, those are extra charges."

Lin Chen nodded and casually asked, "Do the women here provide, well, additional services?"

"Aside from a very few pure girls from Hua Yue Sect, the others do, providing companionship for eating, drinking, and sleeping," Fang Dao said, his face full of excitement.