Chapter 805: If You're Unhappy, Just Say It, Don't Sneak Around and Stir Things Up_1

Lin Chen glanced at Murong Feng beside him and saw that his face was flushed, his teeth clenched, and the veins on his neck bulged.

Lin Chen was surprised.

Murong Feng was to his left, Su Mubai to his right, and he was in the middle. Obviously, the pressure given by the White Jade Steps to everyone who ascended was equal. In other words, he was actually under the same pressure as them now.

Sword Bone?

The only explanation!

This is too strong, right?

He had only cultivated to the 126th level, far surpassing the Nascent Soul Early Stage?

Fourteen, fifteen...


Lin Chen stepped on the eighteenth step, and his body began to feel considerable pressure, but it was only considerable.

The pressure is not huge!

Lin Chen's footsteps were still relaxed as he stepped onto the White Jade Platform.