Chapter 835: Our Little Junior Brother, Being Underestimated_1

Full body sword bone refining!

Sword Bone Great Completion!

Everyone's eyes were full of shock because they knew that Lin Chen had only been in Barren Wilderness for a year!

His sword bone was about to reach Great Completion!

That's too fast, isn't it?

Although none of them had walked the Sword Bone Path, they had heard about the dangers of refining one's bones into sword bones.

A slight carelessness could cause injury, disability or something even more serious.

If a single sword bone wasn't refined properly, one would need to recuperate and re-refine it, and the difficulty would be much higher than before. To refine all the sword bones and achieve Sword Bone Great Completion, none of the 206 sword bones could make any mistakes.

As the first person to embark on the Sword Bone Path, Qiao Wei was considered a madwoman, but Lin Chen's achievements had given them an even greater shock.