Chapter 851: Demonic King's Treasure?_1

Flying Crane Divine Lotus Lamp?

Is it famous?

With a blur of a figure beside him, Hong Yushan disappeared in place and directly appeared in front of the oddly shaped divine lamp. He reached out to grab the lamp.

"Cang Mountain's Hong Yushan!"

Just as the giant ethereal hand of Hong Yushan was about to grasp the divine lamp, a blood-colored blade light suddenly burst into the dark night, slashing directly onto the giant hand.

The giant hand burst into pieces.

Hong Yushan's face darkened, turning his head in anger to the person who slashed the knife: "Guo Yuanhe, does your Blood Blade Sect want to oppose our Cang Mountain?"

The one who slashed the knife was a burly giant with a huge blood-red blade on his shoulder. Facing Hong Yushan's threat, the giant grinned: "Divine Treasure emerges, and those with fate shall obtain it. If you have the ability, just grab it. You, Hong Yushan, merely a Cang Mountain Elder, don't have such ability."

"Well said!"