Chapter 873: Who Knows? Why Don't You Try?_1

Zuo Xincheng was stunned.

The Nascent Soul cultivators behind him were also stunned.

Did more than ten Transformation Stage demonic beasts just disappear like that?

Looking at the piles of flesh and blood on the ground, everyone's minds had completely shut down, unable to imagine what had just happened.

The scene before them seemed like a dream.

No, even in a dream, they wouldn't dare to do this!

With Nascent Soul strength, more than ten Transforming God demonic beasts were wiped out with a wave of his hand. These demonic beasts had disappeared even before they could resist?

What was that mist-like substance, and why did it possess such power?

Behind Lin Chen, Gu Yuexi's eyes shone with admiration.

It was his brother who saved them in a critical moment!

From a distance, the Goat-Horned Old Man's face stiffened, and his eyes bulged out in disbelief.

The next second, the Goat-Horned Old Man suddenly snapped back to his senses, and a bright light burst out from his eyes.