Chapter 888: Our Family of Three Dominating Three Sects, How Cool Is That!_1

Although the Son of Penglai is a selection among young disciples, everyone can see that whoever becomes the Son of Penglai will be the successor of Penglai in the future.

The future Penglai Master!

Once An Ziwu becomes the Son of Penglai, his status will skyrocket. Not only will he receive key cultivation support, but he might also have the right to designate Chu Jiaxue, who cultivates the Chanü Heart Sutra, as his Daoist couple, and use dual cultivation to enhance his strength.

It is not impossible that the ancestor would agree to this, after all, in his view, good water does not flow to others' fields. They are all outstanding disciples of Penglai, isn't that great?

Chen Meifeng deliberately mentioned this matter in advance to make Lin Chen feel resentment towards An Ziwu and psychologically prepare himself. If An Ziwu takes action against Lin Chen, then she hopes Lin Chen will kill An Ziwu with thunderous force.