Chapter 899: Where is the Basic Trust Between People?_1

The Wind-Banner fluttered, and Zhu Yao and the others were all revealed.

As soon as everyone landed, their faces became tense as they looked around. When they saw Lin Chen with a relaxed expression and a slight smile, they all breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that they had escaped the danger.

Zhu Yao said excitedly, "Did we get away?"

Lin Chen laughed, "Yes, we may not be good at fighting, but we can run."

Long Yan'er patted her chest, causing a tremble, "You're amazing, how did you do it?"

Lin Chen explained the origin of the Cicada Wing Robe, "Using the Jin Chan Tuo Qiao technique was quite effective."

Xiao Rulong praised, "Mr. Bai is a remarkable man. His Startling Cicada Technique is unique in the world. Having this, our safety has greatly increased."

Mo Wen smiled, "Indeed, we can always run away if we can't beat our opponent, and they won't know your secrets at first. As long as we can buy just a little bit of time, we can escape."