Chapter 904: Sacrificing Ten Thousand Demons, A Terrifying Array_1

Beasts running wildly, the entire True Dragon Secret Realm seemed like boiling water, rolling and stirring.

After Lin Chen and the others passed a large group of demon beasts in the Ancient Battlefield, he whispered, "Go, follow them."

Sticking close to the ground, everyone moved at great speed, following the horde of demonic beasts in front of them, not too close, but not too far away.

Even so, they would still be discovered by beasts that came out of nowhere, from the sky or elsewhere, and attacked.

If the beasts were weak, they would be instantly killed; if they were strong or too numerous, Lin Chen would sweep everyone into the Wind-Banner with a flick, then quickly pull away using Reducing Land to Inches, followed by Cicada Cloth Luring Enemies.

Such a useful trick!

As they rushed along, traveling for more than ten days, they narrowly escaped dangerous encounters with two powerful Great Demons and three large hordes of demonic beasts using this sole strategy.