Chapter 914: Is This Kid the Human Emperor?_1

This strike was silent and traceless, but its power was earth-shattering.

The water essence as heavy as mountains was actually cleaved open by this Blood Light, creating a gap.

At the same time, the water essence squeezed and closed in.

The little girl's body shattered instantly, but a black light burst out from the gap, escaping and instantly distancing itself from the Five Elements Essence.

The black light hovered in the air above the cave, turning back into the little girl's figure, but her body had become almost transparent, twisting in the air as if it were about to disperse at any moment.

Little girl's eyes were resentful as they locked onto the Emperor's Seal on Lin Chen, as if it penetrated everything.

"The Emperor's Seal! The Emperor's Seal is actually on you!"

Lin Chen was shocked, had he been recognized?

The gazes of everyone in the cave fell on Lin Chen, their expressions filled with shock.

The Emperor's Seal!