Chapter 918: Not Even a Word of Thanks, How Rude_1

Lin Chen's words showed undisguised hostility and vigilance towards Zhao Feiyu.

Zhao Feiyu gritted his teeth and said, "Don't forget, I was the one who pulled out the sword."

Lin Chen sneered, "You even have the nerve to say that. If you hadn't pulled it out, these people wouldn't have died. What, do you want to take credit for that?"

Zhao Feiyu's face suddenly turned ugly. Strictly speaking, it wasn't just his fault. Many people tried to pull it out, but only he managed to do it.

But no matter what, he was the one who pulled out the sword and released the True Dragon's Soul, causing so many deaths. If it weren't for Lin Chen's actions, everyone here would be dead.

The crowd's gazes at Zhao Feiyu seemed unfriendly.

Even though they knew he wasn't completely to blame, they couldn't help but vent their anger at him unconsciously.