Chapter 938: The Transformation of a True Dragon_1

Lin Chen poured the Blood of the True Dragon into a specially made round barrel, then stripped off his clothes and stood directly in the barrel, immersing his body in the Blood of the True Dragon.

The Blood of the True Dragon contained pure Celestial Spirit Power, which was an even more refined and essential energy than spiritual power.

As soon as Lin Chen entered, he felt a torrent of energy rushing into him from every pore. The energy was so violent that even Lin Chen felt his body was about to explode.

Lin Chen's body was under tremendous pressure. If he hadn't had a Sword Bone Body, he might have been crushed by the immense pressure.

This was a terrifying energy storm!

The hair pores of Lin Chen's body oozed blood due to the enormous pressure, his whole body's muscles were tightened as if they were about to break, and his bones creaked.