Chapter 942: The World is Becoming Chaotic!_1

The corpse and bones lay on the ground, with his right hand pressed under his body, only showing half of it.

As the flesh disappeared, several indentations on the ground beneath the finger bones were exposed.




Lin Chen squatted down in front of Elder Chen's remains, lifting the sleeve of his right hand and moving it aside, then lifting his waistband.

Since the flesh had vanished, the clothes were softly draped on the ground. With Lin Chen lifting them, the ground was exposed.

"There are characters!"

Su Mubai exclaimed in surprise, and the others immediately gathered around.

There were two characters on the ground. The first one was distorted and simple, while the second one was only half-written.

"This is seven... The second character is not complete, only two strokes, it looks like a 冖..."