Chapter 945: Without Backup, We'll Still Be Bullied_1

Recruiting disciples widely and preferring the stronger ones?

Never accepting disciples before but suddenly doing so now, coldly and indiscriminately taking in anyone?

Is it a coincidence?

Or do they have other purposes?

When you doubt someone's motives, all their actions become suspicious.

But since they are recruiting disciples, wouldn't it be an opportunity for me to investigate and find out if Three Ghosts Gate is indeed the culprit behind the Blood Case in Kong Yuan City?

Lin Chen, who was originally planning on pretending to be a weak cultivator, decided not to do so and put his flying sword back into the space.

Besides a Void Profound Expert, who was said to be in Closed Door Cultivation, there were two or three Transforming God experts in the Three Ghosts Gate. The rest were Nascent Soul experts. With his Nascent Soul Strength, Lin Chen should be able to gain more attention and opportunities to get in touch with the higher-ups by joining the Three Ghosts Gate.