Chapter 966: Some Things Are Better Done Directly, No Need to Talk_1

Lin Chen took the flying shuttle, speeding all the way, and after a month, he finally arrived at the Valley of Death located in East Emperor State.

On the way, Lin Chen stopped in a big city for half a day and purchased a Dan Fire Ring and a refined Earth Core Magma Fire, spending quite a few spirit stones.

Luckily, during the handling of the Three Ghosts Gate's Sect Treasure House, he sold a large amount of spirit stones. At the moment, Lin Chen was a bona fide small rich man.

During this month, Lin Chen had been practicing his alchemy skills on the flying shuttle, making rapid progress.

Although Lin Chen couldn't be considered an impressive alchemist at this point, ordinary elixirs couldn't pose a problem for him now. Moreover, his refining techniques were skillful, with high pill success rates and high quality.