Chapter 969: They're Looking for You Everywhere, Yet You Came Knocking on Their Door?_1

"You guys..."

Lin Chen looked at Zhu Yao and the others who were smiling at him, shaking his head helplessly, yet warmth filled his heart.

Although their initial alliance was based on mutual interests, they had adherated to the spirit of cooperation and helped each other during battles. After experiencing life and death together, their feelings for each other had deepened considerably.

Perhaps calling them brothers-in-arms would be a stretch, but they were definitely friends.

Zhu Yao walked over, put his arm around Lin Chen's shoulder, and laughed heartily, "Even if you're unhappy with him, you should have called us to help you beat him up. He's in the mid-stage of god transformation, and you're just a Nascent Soul. Fighting him by yourself, aren't you asking for trouble?"

Who's looking for trouble is not certain yet.

Lin Chen muttered in his heart but didn't elaborate, instead smiling, "Thanks."