Chapter 980: Gui Family's Great Secret Art - Berserk Art_1

Half Immortal?

Lin Chen's doubts were finally resolved, no wonder the four guards were so powerful, far surpassing experts of the Hollow Void Realm, but unable to achieve a complete sweep and suppression.

Having the lifespan of an immortal, but lacking the corresponding strength of an immortal.

They were slaves to an immortal.

Lin Chen asked the core question, "What are they guarding here, or rather, what exactly is the secret of Valley of Death?"

Gui Chang was silent for a moment before heaving a faint sigh, "This is where an immortal perished. They were ordered to guard a part of that immortal's body... "

Lin Chen's eyes suddenly widened.

The legend was that Valley of Death was where an immortal fell, and his immortal blood spilled across the land, causing all the demonic beasts to mutate and the undead to be reborn with life, turning Valley of Death into a dead end in the Barren Wilderness.

The legend was actually true!