Chapter 989: If You Want to Cling to a Thigh, Do It Early!_1

"What do we do if we can't open it?"

"There must be a way. Otherwise, why would there need to be so many people guarding it, not to mention undead and half immortals..."

"If we catch Yan Chusheng and the others, they will surely know the solution!"

After a brief discussion, the three tribulation realm experts gave up attacking the array formation and instead headed towards the mountain cave where the four had just entered, chasing after the four injured immortal slaves.

The others rested and healed themselves in this space because the continuous battles just now had taken quite a toll on them, with many people suffering injuries.

Many people went to the front of the prohibition to look at the hand, as if they were visiting a giant panda.

Lin Chen did not approach it, but sat down at a distance.