Chapter 997: This Hand is Stuck on Me!_1


Light-shadow snorted coldly, as if thunder resounded through the clear sky. Its radiance grew even brighter, as if donning a suit of Armor of Light.

The Jade Hand pierced the Armor of Light.

The Armor of Light shattered layer by layer, but countless rays of light converged, continuously forming new suits of Armor of Light, constantly blocking the Jade Hand's onslaught.

The Jade Hand retreated.

The Jade Hand flipped in mid-air, striking a palm towards the Light-shadow.

As this palm was struck, it was as if the entire space had caved in.

The Light-shadow threw a punch.


It was as if space had shattered, and everyone present was shocked, seeing stars in their eyes. Some people could not bear the violent impact and vomited blood.

Blood oozed from the corner of Lin Chen's mouth, his heart throbbing with fear.

What kind of terrifying power is this?