Chapter 1002: Little Brother, Your Luck is Really Miserable_1

On the flying boat, there were many human cultivators, but each of them had thick iron chains tied to their hands. The chains were flickering with runes, and it was clear that they were rune shackles.

The ones driving them were not cultivators, but members of the demon race!

Tigers as fierce as huge elephants, golden centipedes all over their bodies, giant pythons with a single horn on their heads...

At the bow of the boat, there were also three middle-aged men and women standing. The two men were burly and strong—one had a circle of mane-like hair around his neck, and the other had a pair of shiny black bull horns on his head. The woman was dressed in red, with a colorful feathered plume on her head.

Transforming Great Demons!

Lin Chen's heart sank, and just as he was about to prepare to run, the man with mane-like hair had already started laughing, "It's amazing to meet human cultivators here!"