Chapter 1015: Recognition of the Emperor's Seal_1

"Stinky brat, you really have a big life, even managed to escape!"

The Black Stone Coffin flew towards Lin Chen, arriving instantly in front of him. The gaunt old woman sat up from the coffin, appearing dead and lifeless, like the lifeless corpses seen in the dark fog.

There was a huge wound on her chest, which had nearly split her entire body in two. However, eerily enough, not a single drop of blood flowed from the wound, and it appeared very unsettling with its pale color.

The old woman's gaze fell on Nalan Wushuang and she laughed with a sinister voice, "I didn't expect those old ancient fellows to still live in the world in this way. Almost made me unable to get out, fortunately, I left a spiritual imprint on this girl, followed it and managed to escape…"

For a moment, Lin Chen didn't know what to say. He had not expected this old demoness to escape because he had carried Nalan Wushuang. She managed to flee following them.