Chapter 1025: Why Are There So Many Talking One After Another?_1

The City Lord's Mansion is located in the west of the city, with a grand entrance and a pair of imposing stone lions at the front gate.

When Lin Chen and Nalan Wushuang arrived at the gate, a green wolf lying on the ground raised its head. Its ghostly blue eyes scanned them, ultimately landing on Nalan Wushuang's face.

"Who are you and what do you want?"

Lin Chen smiled slightly: "Is the City Lord here? We are passing by and have some matters to discuss."

The green wolf stood up and directly pushed the gate open with its head.

"Follow me."

The two followed the green wolf, passing through gardens and corridors, and finally arrived at a huge garden.

As they entered the garden, the noisy sounds suddenly struck their ears.

Seeing this, Lin Chen's face darkened, and his eyes filled with killing intent.

At least twenty or thirty human women were in the courtyard, each timid and terrified.

A burly wolf-headed man lay on _ bed, with two women forcedly smiling as they massaged him.