Chapter 1050: Self-Destruction? Do You Dare to Self-Destruct?_1

"King Kong, are you really going to die together with me?"

"In this small place, if I explode, you can't escape either!"

"Don't push me!"

Lei Yusheng, under Yelü Yuan's frenzied attack, was completely panicked.

Gao Yi's World in the Bowl restricted the space, and close combat was Yelü Yuan's strong suit.

Cracks had appeared on Lei Yusheng's Giant Tower, thin rays of Golden Light burst out of the cracks, as if it was about to collapse any second.

Yelü Yuan's eyes were blood-red, attacking madly, like a siege hammer constantly impacting his Giant Tower, shaking the ground and mountains, causing a great commotion.


"You self-destruct! If you dare to self-destruct, I'll admit you're a real man!"

"Explode? You don't dare, do you? People like you always think your own lives are the most precious, while others' lives are worthless. How could someone like you dare to self-destruct?"

Yelü Yuan coldly mocked Lei Yusheng, whose face turned even paler.