Chapter 1052: Ruthlessly Turning Against Each Other and Swindling_1

The Buddha beads radiated a daunting golden light, like Mount Tai's Pressure, silently crushing down on Gao Yi.

Gao Yi's face turned pale. Lei Yusheng's counterattack had injured Gao Yi, who was controlling the World in the Bowl to trap Lei Yusheng. The last spatial explosion added injury upon injury!

Although Gao Yi was seriously injured, his vigilance did not diminish in the slightest. The moment Feng Qian made his move, Gao Yi's body had already raised a Light Wall, with an Azure Dragon coiling around it, its momentum soaring high into the sky.

The Buddha beads heavily smashed onto the Azure Dragon Light Wall, and the entire mountain peak trembled, but the Light Wall did not shatter.

"Feng Qian, you want to play dirty tricks!"

The sudden change startled the originally silent members of the King Kong Bandit Group, and they once again summoned their Magical Treasures, preparing for battle.

"Damn, this smiling tiger is not a good thing after all!"