Chapter 1064: Hug One, Prove it to Us!_1

Every member of the bandit gang knew very well about Yelü Yuan's solo adventures in Dongshengzhou, killing the Demon Emperor and the Holy Maiden. They had never expected the Holy Maiden to actually appear before them!

Nalan Wushuang turned her head and smiled bitterly in her heart. She thought everything was fine, but it was a sudden gust of wind that ruined it.

"Yes, I am Nalan Wushuang, what do you want to do about it?"

Yelü Yuan squinted his eyes and turned to look at Lin Chen: "Lin Chu, you say she is your wife?"

Lin Chen's scalp went numb for a moment, and at this point, he had no choice but to brace himself: "Alright, I lied; she's not my wife, just a lover..."


Nan Nan Wushuang turned her head to look at Lin Chen, her mood complicated. They had reached this point, but you're still making up lies, will they believe you?