Chapter 1081: This Looks Like a War!_1

Flame Ice Glacier?

A glacier at the foot of the mountain and a blaze on the top?

Lin Chen was quite curious: "What kind of place is this? So magical?"

Gao Yi shook his head: "The Flame Ice Glacier is located in the northern part of the Central Divine Continent wilderness, there is no trace of human existence within a thousand miles. It is named after its unique combination of flames and glaciers. It has been remembered, but no one knows the exact reason."

Yelü Yuan laughed: "Many people think that the strange scenery of the Flame Ice Glacier is caused by some powerful magical treasure, so many people have gone to explore it, but they all returned empty-handed. Gradually, no one paid attention to it."

Lin Chen nodded: "Why do they think about hiding here? Wouldn't it be better to hide in some unknown secluded place?"

Yelü Yuan shook his head: "I don't know, maybe they also wanted to explore whether the Flame Ice Glacier has any treasure."