Chapter 1084: Aren't You Afraid I'll Destroy It?_1

"What else could it be?"

Yelü Yuan said with satisfaction, "Let me tell you something, it was us who leaked the news about you in the Flame Ice Glacier to the Alliance..."

Feng Qian's complexion turned pale, suddenly recalling that when he had escaped earlier, he seemed to have been struck by something.

"Were you hiding on that mountain peak?"

Yelü Yuan laughed, "Yes, we saw you pass over our heads, so we helped you and marked you. I've been praying that you would escape. You really didn't disappoint."

Feng Qian suddenly sneered, "You want the Bewildering Immortal Order, don't you?"

A golden token suddenly appeared in Feng Qian's hand, with a word carved on it.


As soon as the golden token appeared, a mysterious and elusive aura emanated from it.

"I'll destroy it now, so your efforts will be in vain."

Unexpectedly, Yelü Yuan and the other two continued to smile at Feng Qian without any sign of worry.

Feng Qian was stunned, "You're not afraid that I'll destroy it?"