Chapter 1086: Am I Considered Recruited?_1

"You don't want any? Everyone else is fighting to get them?"

Lin Chen was quite surprised. He wasn't very interested in the Bewildering Immortal Order, but he didn't expect Yelü Yuan and Gao Yi to be uninterested as well.

Yelü Yuan and Gao Yi answered in unison, "No, really!"

Gao Yi added, "If you don't want them, you can sell them to the people of the Alliance. I'm sure they'll be willing to pay a high price..."

Seeing this, Lin Chen directly put the Bewildering Immortal Order into his Spatial Ring: "Alright, I'll keep them for now. Maybe they'll come in handy later."

Gao Yi shook his hand that was holding the Spatial Ring: "There are many good things inside..."

Lin Chen said with a laugh, "Worth a lot of money?"

Gao Yi nodded: "The good stuff that Feng Qian is reluctant to sell is probably all in here. If you count it in Spirit Stones, it's definitely a huge amount..."

Lin Chen nodded: "You guys can split it."