Chapter 1094: Isn't This a Perfect Immortal Fate?_1

Shi Changsheng and Qiao Wei's faces suddenly changed.

They were terrified and excited at the same time!

An immortal's hand was on Lin Chen's shoulder, listening to their conversation!

Shi Changsheng immediately stood up, staring in shock at Lin Chen's seemingly empty shoulder.

Was it invisible?

Impossible to detect?

That must have been an Immortal technique to conceal their presence!

"Xuanji Fairy?"

Lin Chen explained, "Xuanji Fairy was harmed by her enemies. Her body was divided into multiple parts and sealed in various places in the Barren Wilderness. Immortal Slave was subdued by her enemies and used specifically to guard and suppress Xuanji Fairy."

"Before the Fairy's hand escaped, it was chased by an enemy's Primordial Spirit in the Lower Realm. She took me and used Jiang Rukong to cross the void, directly coming to Dongpengzhou, evading the Immortal's Primordial Spirit's detection and pursuit."