Chapter 1105: Familiar Altar, Familiar Fairy!_1

Lin Chen landed on a rock and gently put Zhou Yin down. He clapped his hands and left a Death Mark on her, then draped the Cicada Wing Robe over her.

"Lie here, no matter what, do not move!"

Zhou Yin obediently lay in the grass and nodded, "Brother Chen, be careful."

Lin Chen leaped forward, heading toward the Sect's Main Hall.

He figured that there must be something hidden in that hall, perhaps an object that created those ghost-like Primordial Spirits or possibly the guardians of that object.

An Immortal's Sword cut down the Cave World?

Guardians in the main hall?

Lin Chen immediately thought of the Immortal Slave from the Valley of Death and the Xuan Yin Ghost Soldiers from the Demon Ancestor's Tomb. They were all guardians, guarding something extremely important.

A bold guess surged in Lin Chen's heart - could the body of Xuan Ji's Fairy be inside as well?