Chapter 1111: Is the Ghost Tower Openly Looking for Destined People?_1

"This is Nanyue Hengshan Cave Sky, one of the Five Peaks Cave Sky in the Thirty-six Small Cave Skies..."

As the flying boat traversed the sky, Lin Chen introduced the place with a smile to the curious people on board.

Excluding his mother, Feng Lan, there were four others who came with Lin Chen to the Barren Wilderness - his aunt Feng Yazhen, Old Master Chu, Han Wei, and Zhou Yin. With this journey to the Human World, he had finally resolved all his ties there and would no longer have any concerns about it.

After consulting everyone's opinions, Lin Chen spent some time expanding his No. 4 Cave Mansion and constructed a row of wooden houses outside the mansion, even providing a separate room for himself.

Since Lin Chen had given the Cave Mansion to his mother, he had been living in his Senior Sister's cliffside cottage.

Mother Feng Lan was busy but very happy.