Chapter 1119: If You Can't Hold the Sand, Just Let It Go!_1

The Light Door to the next level has appeared, but Lin Chen ignored it, choosing to rest on his own.

Severe injuries combined with the aftereffects of the Berserker Technique left Lin Chen feeling weak all over, without any strength.

The Shengling Pearl quickly healed the wounds, and Lin Chen stuffed himself with a recovery elixir, sitting cross-legged and quietly resting.

This rest lasted a day.

Lin Chen opened his eyes, which had regained their luster once more.

Full of energy!

Lin Chen got up, stretched his arms, flexed his muscles, and then stepped into the Light Door.

The Eighth Level!

How many levels must be passed?

Nine floors?

Nine Levels?

Lin Chen didn't know how many levels Zhao Feiyu had cleared and whether he had been eliminated or not.

If the battle against himself at this level is so difficult, shouldn't others face the same challenge as well?

How did Zhao Feiyu break through?